RC Airplanes
RC Pitts Python
Pitts Python Characteristics
This Pitts Python model has the following specifications:
- Wingspan: 1700mm
- Length: 1550mm
- Total weight: 5.6 kg
- Propeller: Carbon 19x8 inches
- Material: Full balsa wood + plywood
Electronic setup:
- Electric motor Turnigy RotoMax 1.60 (231 Kv)
- Electronic Speed Controller: Aerostar 120A HV
- 2x5S 5000mAh
J-3 Piper Cub
j-3 Piper Cub Characteristics
This J-3 Piper Cub model has the following specifications:
- Wingspan: 1800mm
- Length: 1250mm
- Total weight: 2.2 - 2.6 kg
- Propeller: Plastic 15x6 inches
- Material: Full balsa wood + plywood
Electronic setup:
- Electric motor Turnigy G32 (560 Kv)
- Electronic Speed Controller: HK 65A
- 4S 4000mAh